Joy of Weaving - Pars pro Toto

Staatliches Industrie- und Textilmuseum Augsburg       Pics by Doro Seror
May - November 2023

This work was created in collaboration with the Textile and Industrial Museum in Augsburg. The idea was to use so-called selvedges, which are created during the production of woven pieces on the museum's industrial looms, in an artistic work and at the same time to actively involve participants in the creation of these. In response to a call old clothes were collected in advance and sorted by color into baskets provided in the foyer of the museum.
Over several weekends, visitors were able to work with the artist to create objects using the Amish Rug Weaving method, which they enthusiastically incorporated into the installation (for more on this, see Projects).
I created so-called lianas from the selvedges which I hung in a chromatic color gradient.
Over the course of half a year, more and more objects were added to the installation, each matching the respective color environment. The installation underwent a further transformation after the objects were returned to their makers. (see Joy of Weaving - Totum pro Parte).
It is important to me that only previously used textile materials were used in the monumental installation. The used clothing for the objects was collected by visitors to the museum or by participants in the workshops and wears individual stories and the objects show the individual expression of the respective manufacturer.
With this and other textile works, I would like to spread information among the population about how old clothes and also textile industrial waste can be reused and transformed so that the export of used clotheswill be reduced.
Staatliches Industrie- und Textilmuseum Augsburg
May - November 2023

Pics by Doro Seror